Entropy of Singular Suspensions
报告人:Elias Rego (南方科技大学)
时间:2024-08-01 16:00-17:00
地点:智华楼 313 教室
The entropy theory for singular flows presents several differences compared to the entropy theory for diffeomorphisms and regular flows. A notable difference is the existence of a pair of smooth, singular, and equivalent flows such that one of the flows has positive entropy while the other has zero entropy. This example, presented by Sun, Young, and Zhou in 2008, is constructed from the singular suspension process. In this talk, we will investigate how the singular suspension process affects the entropy of suspended diffeomorphisms. In particular, we will see that the phenomenon of obtaining a flow with zero entropy from the singular suspension of a diffeomorphism with positive entropy is very rare in C? topology, even if we admit an infinite number of singularities during the suspension process. This is joint work with Sérgio Roma?a.