姓名 |
研究方向 |
Email |
进出站时间 |
AI Mingyao |
Statistics |
myai@math.pku.edu.cn |
200307-200506 |
BAI Shuo |
Mathematics |
199007-199206 |
CHANG Jinyong |
Applied Mathematics |
changjinyong@pku.edu.cn |
201604-201803 |
CHEN Xian |
Probability and Statistics |
chenxian@amss.ac.cn |
201407-201607 |
CHENG Qiusheng |
Mathematics |
qscheng@qq.com |
201301-201503 |
CHEN Haimiao |
Mathematics |
chen_haimiao@163.com |
201107-201306 |
CHANG Ziqing |
Statistics |
zqchangstar@gmail.com |
200910-201111 |
CHEN Hao |
Mathematics |
riverhao@yahoo.com.cn |
200710-200909 |
CHEN Xinxing |
Probability and Statistics |
chenxinx@sjtu.edu.cn |
200707-200906 |
CHEN Zhuo |
Applied Mathematics |
chenzhuott@gmail.com |
200607-200806 |
CHEN Shaowei |
Mathematics |
swchen6@yahoo.com.cn |
200607-200806 |
CAO Wensheng |
Mathematics |
wenscao@yahoo.com.cn |
200507-200706 |
CHEN Yemin |
Mathematics |
yeminchen@yahoo.com.cn |
200307-200506 |
CUI Jianlian |
Mathematics |
cuijl@dns.sxtu.edu.cn |
200207-200406 |
CAI Jinxing |
Mathematics |
jxcai@math.pku.edu.cn |
199507-199706 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
CHEN Yonggao |
Mathematics |
199206-199405 |
CHEN Dayue |
Probability and Statistics |
dayue@math.pku.edu.cn |
199108-199307 |
DU Dongyun |
Applied Mathematics |
dudongyun00@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn |
200307-200506 |
DAI Jie |
Probability and Statistics |
200307-200506 |
DAI Min |
Mathematics |
200010-200209 |
DING Fan |
Mathematics |
dingfan@math.pku.edu.cn |
199507-199706 |
FANG Haiquan? |
Applied Mathematics? |
fanghaiquan@math.pku.edu.cn? |
201707-201906? |
FAN Xiang |
Mathematics |
xfan@pku.edu.cn |
201410-201607 |
FANG Fei |
Applied Mathematics |
fangfei68@163.com |
201307-201505 |
Feng Lixin |
Computational Math |
flx75316@sohu.com |
200307-200506 |
FANG Xiangzhong |
Probability and Statistics |
xzfang@math.pku.edu.cn |
199607-199806 |
GAO Junming |
Applied Mathematics |
autogao@pku.edu.cn |
201707-201906 |
GUO Qilong |
Mathematics |
guoqilong1984@hotmail.com |
201310-201510 |
GUO Xiaohu |
Applied Mathematics |
guoxh.firends@gmail.com |
200407-200606 |
GU Qing |
Mathematics |
199910-200109 |
GAO Xia |
Mathematics |
xia@math.pku.edu.cn |
199610-199809 |
GONG Fuzhou |
Mathematics |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
GAO Li |
Computational Math |
gao@math.pku.edu.cn |
198803-199002 |
Hou Xin |
Mathematics |
houx@math.pku.edu.cn |
201801-201911 |
HU Zhicheng |
Computational Math |
huzhicheng1986@163.com |
201207-201406 |
HU Wei |
Mathematics |
hwxbest@163.com |
200707-200906 |
HU Jun |
Mathematics |
hujun@math.pku.edu.cn |
199807-200006 |
HU Liangzhong |
Applied Mathematics |
liangzhonghu@yahoo.com |
199804-200003 |
HAO Xianjun |
Computational Math |
gwang1@263.net |
199707-199906 |
Probability and Statistics |
199303-199502 |
Julian Koellermeier |
Applied Mathematics |
koellermeier@pku.edu.cn |
201811-201911 |
Computational Math |
kaijiang@xtu.edu.cn |
201107-201306 |
JIANG Tielong |
Probability and Statistics |
kangchr2@yahoo.cn |
200907-201112 |
JIANG Shanshan |
Computational Math |
jss@math.pku.edu.cn |
200707-200906 |
JIN Xianan |
Mathematics |
xajin@xmu.edu.cn |
200604-200803 |
JI Guanghua |
Computational Math |
ghji@lsec.cc.ac.cn |
200410-200609 |
JIN Gan |
Applied Mathematics |
199807-200006 |
JIANG Wenfeng |
Mathematics |
wen_feng1912@outlook.com |
201507-201706 |
LI Hongkai |
Statistics |
201704-201912 |
LI Haochen |
Computational Math |
lihaochen_bjut@sina.com |
201607-201806 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
LIU Wenfei |
Mathematics |
wliu@math.uni-hannover.de |
201504-201512 |
LIAO Gang |
Mathematics |
liaogang@math.pku.edu.cn |
201307-201507 |
LIN Youjiang |
Mathematics |
lxyoujiang@126.com |
201207-201406 |
LI Jun |
Mathematics |
lijun1985@hnu.edu.cn |
201207-201406 |
LI Bin |
Mathematics |
lb@amss.ac.cn |
201110-201309 |
LIU Fei |
Mathematics |
liufei@math.pku.edu.cn |
201007-201206 |
LI Zhouxin |
Applied Mathematics |
lzx@math.pku.edu.cn |
200907-201106 |
LI Baolei |
Applied Mathematics |
baolei_li@yahoo.com.cn |
200904-201105 |
LIU Yannan |
Applied Mathematics |
ynliumath@yahoo.cn |
200707-200906 |
LIU Jixue |
Statistics |
liujixue@ustc.edu |
200607-200806 |
LI Tianzheng |
Mathematics |
litianze118@163.com |
200607-200906 |
LIU Qingyue |
Mathematics |
qyliu@amss.ac.cn |
200510-200709 |
LI Zhenyang |
Mathematics |
lzymath@163.com |
200507-200706 |
LV Rencai |
Mathematics |
rencail@yahoo.com.cn |
200310-200509 |
LIU Zihui |
Mathematics |
eliuzi@sina.com |
200307-200506 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
LIU Shibo |
Mathematics |
liusb@math.pku.edu.cn |
200307-200506 |
LIU Congwen |
Mathematics |
jkeats_ustc@163.com |
200207-200406 |
LI Guanghan |
Mathematics |
liguanghan@163.com |
200207-200406 |
LI Daming |
Computational Math |
lidaming@pku.edu.cn |
200207-200406 |
LIU Lixin |
Probability and Statistics |
liu_li_xin@eyou.com |
200107-200306 |
LI Jinming |
Mathematics |
200007-200206 |
LU Ziqun |
Mathematics |
zqlu@math.pku.edu.cn |
200004-200203 |
LI Guoquan |
Mathematics |
lgq6964@263.net |
199907-200106 |
LIU Heguo |
Mathematics |
199707-199906 |
LIU Jianming |
Mathematics |
liujm@math.pku.edu.cn |
199607-199806 |
LIANG Zongxia |
Probability and Statistics |
199607-199806 |
LIU Xufeng |
Probability and Statistics |
liuxf@math.pku.edu.cn |
199207-199406 |
LIU Heping |
Mathematics |
hpliu@math.pku.edu.cn |
199010-199209 |
LI Zhenqian |
Mathematics |
lizhenqian@amss.ac.cn |
201507-201705 |
MIAO Qianyun |
Mathematics |
miaoqianyun@buaa.edu.cn |
201710-201909 |
MAO Heng |
Applied Mathematics |
h.mao1224@gmail.com |
200904-201108 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
MA Jiming |
Mathematics |
majiming2000@sohu.com |
200510-200709 |
MA Yanping |
Statistics |
ma-y-p@163.net |
200207-200406 |
MEI Changlin |
Statistics |
clmei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |
200110-200309 |
MO Xiaohuan |
Mathematics |
moxh@math.pku.edu.cn |
199308-199507 |
MA Li |
Applied Mathematics |
198909-199108 |
PENG Wenjuan |
Mathematics |
wenjpeng@amss.ac.cn |
200807-201005 |
PAN Jinxiao |
Applied Mathematics |
panjx@nuc.edu.cn |
200407-200606 |
PENG Yanze |
Computational Math |
yanzepeng@163.com |
200204-200403 |
PAN Jianzhong |
Mathematics |
199310-199509 |
QI Yanfeng |
Applied Mathematics |
qiyanfeng07@163.com |
201207-201406 |
QIAO Zhijun |
Mathematics |
qiaozj@hotmail.com |
199707-199906 |
QIN Qiming |
Mathematics |
qmqin@pku.edu.cn |
199007-199206 |
SUN Zhiyuan |
Computational Math |
zysun@math.pku.edu.cn |
201607-201806 |
SHEN Zhencai |
Mathematics |
zhencai688@sina.com |
201107-201306 |
SUN Xiaosong |
Mathematics |
sunxs@jlu.edu.cn |
201004-201202 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
SUN Zhongfeng |
Applied Mathematics |
zhongfeng@math.pku.edu.cn |
200907-201106 |
SONG Chong |
Mathematics |
songchong@xmu.edu.cn |
200907-201106 |
SHI Jiangtao |
Mathematics |
jiangtaoshi@yahoo.com.cn |
200907-201107 |
SHU Lin |
Mathematics |
lshu@math.pku.edu.cn |
200707-200905 |
SUN Daying |
Mathematics |
sundy@math.pku.edu.cn |
200207-200406 |
SUN Shanzhong |
Mathematics |
sz_sun@eyou.com |
200107-200306 |
SHI Yipeng |
Computational Math |
shiyipeng@sina.com |
200007-200206 |
SHI Qiyan |
Mathematics |
qshi@math.tsinghua.edu.cn |
200007-200206 |
SUN Hongwei |
Mathematics |
199707-199906 |
SHI Yuguang |
Mathematics |
ygshi@math.pku.edu.cn |
199707-199906 |
SUN Wenxiang |
Mathematics |
sunwx@math.pku.edu.cn |
199402-199601 |
SHI Peide |
Probability and Statistics |
199206-199405 |
TANG Yilei |
Mathematics |
tang.yilei@163.net |
200507-200706 |
TANG Lin |
Mathematics |
tanglin@math.pku.edu.cn |
200107-200306 |
TIAN Guoliang |
Statistics |
199807-200006 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
TIAN Qingchun |
Mathematics |
yhtian@math.pku.edu.cn |
199207-199406 |
TAO Tao |
Mathematics |
taotao@amss.ac.cn |
201507-201706 |
WANG Jie? |
Applied Mathematics? |
wangjie212@mails.ucas.ac.cn ? |
201707-201906? |
WANG Wenlong? |
Mathematics? |
wangwl@math.pku.edu.cn? |
201707-201906 |
WANG Yue? |
Mathematics? |
yuewang37@pku.edu.cn? |
201707-201906? |
WANG Xiaodong |
Computational Math |
xiaodongwang@nwpu.edu.cn |
201606-201805 |
WU Weisheng |
Mathematics |
weishengwwsheng1@gmail.com |
201410-201609 |
WANG Zhiwei |
Mathematics |
zhiwei@bnu.edu.cn |
201407-201607 |
WU Senlin |
Mathematics |
senlin_wu@hotmail.com |
201207-201406 |
WANG Fang |
Mathematics |
fangwang@cnu.edu.cn |
201110-201309 |
WANG Wendong |
Mathematics |
wendong@math.pku.edu.cn |
201707-201906 |
WANG Jiazeng |
Probability and Statistics |
wangjiazen@math.pku.edu.cn |
200901-201102 |
WANG Wei |
Mathematics |
wangwei@math.pku.edu.cn |
200707-200906 |
WEI Jianping |
Statistics |
demistar@pku.edu.cn |
200601-200712 |
WANG Yusheng |
Mathematics |
wyusheng@163.com |
200510-200709 |
WU Yingyi |
Mathematics |
wuyingyi1977@gmail.com |
200507-200706 |
WANG Quanlong |
Applied Mathematics |
harnywang@163.com |
200410-200609 |
WANG Long |
Computational Math |
200410-200609 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
WANG Lizhong |
Mathematics |
lwang@math.pku.edu.cn |
200107-200306 |
WANG Guanxiang |
Probability and Statistics |
gxwang@math.pku.edu.cn |
199607-199806 |
WU Jinzhao |
Mathematics |
199407-199606 |
WU Shengjian |
Mathematics |
wusj@math.pku.edu.cn |
199206-199405 |
WU Lun |
Mathematics |
199012-199211 |
WANG Yanming |
Mathematics |
199002-199201 |
WANG Duo |
Mathematics |
198809-199008 |
WEN Lan |
Mathematics |
lwen@math.pku.edu.cn |
198802-199001 |
WANG Zhiqiang |
Mathematics |
198612-198811 |
XIAO Qianying? |
Mathematics |
xiaoqianying@math.pku.edu.cn? |
201607-201906? |
XIA Yuchao |
Statistics |
xiayuchao@pku.edu.cn |
201607-201806 |
XU Qiang |
Mathematics |
xuqiang@math.pku.edu.cn |
201607-201806 |
XIE Xun |
Mathematics |
xieg7@163.com |
201510-201708 |
XU Qinwu |
Applied Mathematics |
xuqinwu@pku.edu.cn |
201407-201607 |
XIE Yuquan |
Mathematics |
yuqxie@gmail.com |
201007-201206 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
XIE Bingyong |
Mathematics |
byhsie@math.pku.edu.cn |
200810-201006 |
XIA Jing |
Mathematics |
xiajing2005@mail.bnu.edu.cn |
200807-201006 |
XU Jing |
Mathematics |
jjingxu1@yahoo.com |
200604-200803 |
XIANG Kainan |
Probability and Statistics |
xiangkainan@yahoo.com |
199907-200106 |
XIA Bican |
Applied Mathematics |
xbc@math.pku.edu.cn |
199807-200006 |
XIAO Heng |
Applied Mathematics |
199301-199412 |
XU Shufang |
Computational Math |
xsf@pku.edu.cn |
199001-199112 |
XU Lei |
Mathematics |
198706-198905 |
XIAO basangciren |
Computational Math |
tsering.basang@yahoo.com |
201504-201706 |
YANG Dawei |
Mathematics |
yangdawei@math.pku.edu.cn |
201607-201806 |
YU Haobin |
Mathematics |
robin1055@126.com |
201507-201706 |
YAO Changlong |
Applied Mathematics |
deducemath@126.com |
201107-201306 |
YANG Hongli |
Applied Mathematics |
yhl.yang@gmail.com |
200507-200706 |
YANG Zhiqing |
Mathematics |
yyanq@yahoo.com |
200310-200509 |
YANG Yunyan |
Mathematics |
yang_yunyan2002@yahoo.com.cn |
200107-200306 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
YANG Lei |
Mathematics |
yanglei@math.pku.edu.cn |
200007-200206 |
YANG Jiazhong |
Mathematics |
jyang@math.pku.edu.cn |
200004-200203 |
ZHAI Cuili |
Mathematics |
zhaicuili035@126.com? |
201707-201906? |
ZHANG Dong? |
Mathematics |
13699289001@163.com? |
201707-201906? |
ZHAO Weiren |
Mathematics |
zjzwr@math.pku.edu.cn |
201607-201806 |
ZHAO Guoqing |
Statistics |
wefailyhelen@126.com |
201310-201603 |
ZHU Yining |
Applied Mathematics |
zhumilan997@163.com |
201301-201411 |
Zafar Hayat Khan |
Computational Math |
zafarhayyatkhan@gmail.com |
201207-201406 |
ZHANG Pengfei |
Mathematics |
zhangpf@math.pku.edu.cn |
201107-201307 |
ZHANG Chensong |
Applied Mathematics |
zhangchensong@gmail.com |
201007-201206 |
ZHAI Jiangliang |
Applied Mathematics |
zhaijianliang2008@163.com |
201007-201206 |
ZHAN Yinchuan |
Computational Math |
zyc747250@hotmail.com |
200607-200806 |
ZHANG Yiran |
Computational Math |
zhangyiran@math.pku.edu.cn |
200604-200803 |
ZHU Yujun |
Mathematics |
yjzhu@mail.hebtu.edu.cn |
200507-200706 |
ZHANG Duanzhi |
Mathematics |
nkuzhang@yahoo.com.cn |
200507-200706 |
ZHU Wenzhuang |
Mathematics |
zwz-math@tom.com |
200410-200609 |
ZHENG Shuicao |
Probability and Statistics |
shuicaoz@sina.com |
200407-200606 |
Name |
Research Area |
Email |
Terms of Employment |
ZHANG Rongmao |
Statistics |
rmzhang88@163.com |
200407-200606 |
Applied Mathematics |
200407-200606 |
ZHU Fuhai |
Mathematics |
zhufuhai@eyou.com |
200207-200406 |
ZHOU Zemin |
Mathematics |
200207-200406 |
Computational Math |
200207-200406 |
ZHOU Jian |
Mathematics |
200204-200403 |
Computational Math |
200107-200306 |
ZHANG Lihong |
Applied Mathematics |
200001-200112 |
ZHAO Xuan |
Mathematics |
zxachqlx@263.net |
199907-200106 |
ZHU Xiaohua |
Mathematics |
zxh@sxx0.math.pku.edu.cn |
199707-199906 |
ZHANG Guangyuan |
Mathematics |
199607-199806 |
ZHAN Xingzhi |
Computational Math |
199607-199806 |
Probability and Statistics |
199504-199703 |
ZHAO Qiang |
Mathematics |
199407-199606 |
ZHOU Yong |
Probability and Statistics |
199404-199603 |